1 person
1 Person Sub Perfect for Beech Launching And Beginners Maximum
Depth 140 Ft
2 person sub
2 Person Sub Perfect for Beech Launching and Yacht towing
Maximum Depth 140 Ft
3 person sub
3 Person Sub Perfect for Beech Launching And Yacht Towing
Maximum Depth 140 Ft
A Commercial soulution with up to 7 man capacity
The Seahorse Patrol is specially designed for long patrols
under water at periscope depth, fully instrumented it allows
early and discreet detection of surface activity in coastal
and shallow waters, the crew can maintain a submerged state
with just the periscope above the water and observe with cameras
and detection devices . It is a dry cockpit submarine with
optionnal lockout compartments to allow 2 of the crew to exit
the sub under the water with a breathing apparatus for intervention.
The pilot waits in the sub on the Sea floor for their return
into the cabin to blow the water out of their compartment
once the hatches had been closed behind. With all the crew
on board the pilot returns to the base.
and Equipment
Extras like sonar, Hp engines, lighting or maybe you just
want to change the colour! Check out our range of products
and services.